Summit Schedule
Keynote Session (1400-1445 hours)
Session A (1500-1530 hours)
A1: Social Experiential Learning for Zero Waste Education
Innovator | Borderless Learning
School / Institution: Soqqle Pte ltd
Main Presenter: Mr Daniel Shen
Daniel Shen is the founder of Soqqle, a social learning mobile application for educators to better manage video content with students. The app is private, produces learning analytics and provides features for teachers to give feedback to students. If you have larger volume of videos and need a better way to engage students, Soqqle is the app for you.
Co-presenter: Miss Paulina Wong
Paulina PY WONG is currently an Assistant Professor in the Science Unit at Lingnan University. Her areas of specialization include air pollution, urban climate, GIS modeling and environmental health. Her current research interests concern environmental impact assessments with particular reference to health-related problems in Hong Kong. In recent years, her research has been extended to urban sensing, mobile geospatial technologies, environmental consciousness, education for sustainability, and smart city development.
Critical thinking and problem solving are recognized as key 21st century skills, but their development requires some fundamental shifts in pedagogy. Rapid technological advancements such as social networks has allowed users across the globe to exchange knowledge. Such collective sharing leads to spontaneous peer-to-peer collaboration crucial for sustainable social development and addressing societal challenges. However, educational pedagogies have not adapted to maximize the potential of such network effects for social learning, as prior studies show limited student engagement. To examine these findings further, semester-long video logging activity related to zero-waste of 32 students attending a liberal arts university in Hong Kong were analyzed. Participants uploaded their videos on using a purpose-built mobile application Soqqle, which is similar to commonly used social media platforms, as it allows content sharing, as well as commenting on others’ contributions. Tasks (video instruction and comments) adopted for this study were designed using the experiential learning method. At the end of the semester, a simple linear regression revealed that videos created by students that viewed their peers’ contributions for longer periods were scored higher by an independent rater and tended to improve in quality as the semester progressed, with a 13.03% average increase in scores based on of peer viewing of videos. An effect size of R² of 0.26 suggests more future opportunities to identify other contributing factors. Overall, these results point to the benefits of learning from others, indicating that educational platforms can help students improve self-regulation, thus enhancing their critical thinking and collaboration skills.
A2: ElONising Boundaries, Revolutionising Science Learning
Explorer | Borderless Learning
Main Presenter: Ms Tan Si Hua
As a Science educator, Si Hua strongly believes in harnessing technology to nurture a lively curiosity among her learners. Her interest areas include Inquiry-Based Learning, E-Pedagogy in Science and Seamless Learning.
Co-presenter: Mdm Racheal Fang
Digital disruptions and demands for new skills have provided an impetus for learning mechanisms in Science classrooms to more closely mirror the future of work, and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by new learning technologies.
In line with Singapore’s Science education goal to prepare our students as effective citizens to thrive in an increasingly technologically-driven world (MOE, 2014), West Grove Primary adopted the C2FIP Seamless Learning Design Framework (Wong, Looi & Goh, 2017) to create a learning ecosystem that is personalised and self-paced; accessible and inclusive; problem-based and collaborative; and lifelong- and student-driven in nurturing lifelong Inquirer.
Designed to ease implementation and reduce reliance on 1:1 computing affordances, the C2FIP (Connectivity in Learning spaces, (Socio-) Constructivist Inquiry Learning; Formative assessments with student artifacts; leveraging resources in Informal settings; Personalised and self-directed learning) Seamless Learning Design Framework guides West Grove Primary in transforming its formal Primary 4 – 6 science curriculum into seamless Inquiry-Based learning experiences yet preserving the essences of Seamless Learning.
This concurrent session will discuss the design principles and considerations in implementing the C2FIP Seamless Learning Design Framework in Primary School Science classrooms. Participants will gain insights into the possibilities and challenges of seamless Inquiry-learning experiences and takeaway key applications of technology complementing the learning experience.
A3: Facilitating Interdisciplinary via APP[le]arning
Explorer | Borderless Learning
Main Presenter: Mdm Cheong Wei Leng
Senior Teacher (Geography)
Co-Presenter: Ms Jasmine Sujatha D/O Jaya Kumar
Literature Teacher
The current generation of digital natives and the new initiative of the National Digital Learning Programme (NDLP) journey have changed the way learning takes places in a classroom. In Yuan Ching Secondary, all Secondary 1 to 3 students embarked on this journey in the beginning of 2021, fully equipped with an iPad, an Apple Pencil and an attached keyboard. As a school, our envisionment of a 21st century classroom is one that is both fluid and borderless.
With that in mind, a team of selected teachers then set out to explore applications that could both be utilised for teachers to conduct lessons and for students to co-create their learning outcomes. This resulted in an inter-disciplinary e-project spanning across 4 different subjects with an overarching theme of environment. The teachers used Apple Pages to address the question: “How does your role as a student affect and effect the environment in school?” In doing so, the students were able to tap into the value of empathy in an organic manner - which is also in alignment with our school vision of inculcating every student to be a thinker and a concerned citizen.
A4: Sparking Collaboration in a Remote Setting
Explorer | Borderless Learning
Main Presenter: Ms Alice Lim
A Humanities educator by training, Alice believes that the Humanities gives everyone the lens to understand the world. She is also a keen believer of utilising technology tools to create opportunities for students to take stewardship of local and global issues.
The world is facing a global pandemic that is disrupting lives everywhere. Even though we are not able to physically cross borders, we hope to leverage technology to allow our students from different parts of the world to work with each other, to learn together for the betterment of the community. In SST, we carry out a trans-border collaboration with our partner schools, connecting students from diverse cultures and to empower them to be agents of change. During the course of their collaboration, we leverage on Miro as the platform for students to collaborate. In this sharing, we will be introducing the affordances of Miro and also the process of our collaboration.
A5: Computational Thinking for Math Modelling Tasks in a Secondary School Context
Explorer | Digital Citizenship
Main Presenter: Mr Samuel Lee
Samuel received his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics from the National University of Singapore in 2004 and began working as a STEM educator in 2006 after completing his postgraduate diploma in Education. His twin passion in Mathematics and Computing motivates him to explore ways that help secondary school students learn mathematics better through the use of computational thinking, as well as learn computing better through the use of mathematical concepts.
For the past 20 years, mathematical modelling (MM) has been introduced to secondary school students in Singapore so that they are able to apply mathematical knowledge, skills and thinking processes to solve real-life problems. In recent years, computational thinking (CT) has also been introduced to schools. According to Wing (2006), learning by computational thinking as a fundamental skill will improve the students' abstract thinking, algorithmic, and logical thinking. They were also more all ready to solve complex and open problems. In this workshop, we will be sharing how CT has be incorporated into a Math Modelling task, as well as the relevant findings when students embarked on the the task.
A6: Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast - The Power of EdTech!
Adopter | Digital Citizenship
School / Institution: Ignite EdTech Pte Ltd
Main Presenter: Mr Craig Kemp
As a well known and respected keynote speaker, workshop host, and global Education Consultant, Craig is a leader in the field of ICT and EdTech and works with Departments, Ministries, School Leadership, School Communities and Educators to understand, design, and implement digital learning solutions and transformations to improve teaching practice and student learning outcomes. Craig has supported schools and organisations all over the globe to establish practices, protocols and guidelines to support the sustainable implementation of technology into the curriculum to add value to student learning. In addition, he works as an advisor with technology vendors adding value to their products for use in schools. Craig works with these companies to help them build, develop, grow and connect with schools all over the world and has successfully supported global EdTech companies in developing a presence in APAC.
Craig is a New Zealand born educator with over 15 years experience both in the classroom, in leadership and in consulting. He is an enthusiastic change agent that is passionate about every aspect of education and making a difference. Craig is currently based in Singapore.
We live in a world of constant change. As the world changes, grows and adapts we face many challenges both inside and outside our educational institutions. Many of which link to the use of technology and how it adds value to our everyday lives. In a world of constant change, enhanced by technology how can we enable learners to be the best version of themselves?
In this session, the presenter will share stories about the current landscape of global education and the need to support learning in the Digital Age. He will explore how to change mindsets and empower learning through the effective and purposeful integration of technology, using case studies from his experience. In a world of constant change, the ability for educators to connect and be strategic to make change through the use of technology will ultimately empower the learning journey at our schools. Come along and be prepared to engage, learn and challenge your way of thinking.

A7: The 4 'E's Towards a CyberSmart Community in the New Norm
Adopter | Digital Citizenship
School / Institution: CHIJ (KATONG) PRIMARY
Main Presenter: Ms Jasmine Tan
Head of Character and Citizenship Education Department from CHIJ (Katong) Primary
Co-presenter: Mrs Heng-Ng May May
Cyber Wellness Coordinator from CHIJ (Katong) Primary
CHIJ (Katong) Primary's Cyber Wellness Programme aims to develop and strengthen our students' competencies in Cyber Wellness education and to promote good digital habits and positive online behaviour. We aim to develop in our students a strong sense of discernment and the ability to think critically to thrive in a digital world. This includes the following:
• Enriching Students - The school develops competencies in Cyber Wellness through varied modes of learning.
• Empowering Cyber Wellness Ambassadors - CW Ambassadors are role models and peer support in class.
• Enabling Staff - Staff go through Professional Development regularly to be updated on latest Cyber trend and threats.
• Engaging Parents and the Community - The school engages parents (Cyber Guardians) to play a crucial role in empowering and supporting their child to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
Through our Cyber Wellness programme and sustained partnerships, the school is able to reach out to the community (e.g. other schools, elderly, pre-primary) to enhance digital citizenship, literacy and wellness.
Due to the ongoing pandemic situation and the increased use of screen time, the school has adapted the Cyber Wellness programme to suit the needs of the students and the community in the new norm.
A8: Unpacking Personalised Learning
Adopter | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Mr Hugo Indratno
Hugo Indratno is currently an Educational Technology Integrationist at Mentari Intercultural School. Hugo has been working as a classroom teacher, primary principal, secondary coordinator, and landing now in the land of technology. He loves sharing his passion in the learning process through workshops at both national and regional levels, social media, and even when meeting other teachers. Working closely with technology in inquiry classrooms has awarded him as Apple Distinguished Educator in 2015, Book Creator, Seesaw, and Common Sense Ambassador, also Certified BrainPop Educator.
Before planning for personalised learning, teachers should themselves experience how personalised learning looks like. To experience it, teachers need to have the willingness to unpack their own learning. By Using Merge Explorer and Clips App, teachers will experience how students experience learning personalised to their learning styles and pace. Merge cube will represent how students can learn independently. While learning independently, students can use Clips to document their learning for themselves or collaborate with friends to create a learning showcase.
A9: Reaching Every Learner
Adopter | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Mr Paul Swanson
I am passionate about helping to redesign learning for this digital world that we all live in. I work as the Director of Digital Learning for Stamford American International School in Singapore where I live with my wife and two daughters. I have lived, worked, and studied in a number of places including Vietnam, India, Brazil, Japan, Nepal, Ghana, and the United States.
We strive to create a sense of belonging for every member of our community, and to shape a learning environment tailored to the individual needs of each student. By combining Digital Learning along with Universal Design for Learning, we are able to co-create learning pathways that allow all students to succeed.
A10: Combining Personal Learning Devices with the Station Rotation Model for Seamless Blended Learning
Explorer | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Mr Marek Otreba
Marek Otreba is currently a Lead Teacher (Social Studies) at St. Andrew's Secondary School. Marek believes in trying innovative approaches to engage students in the study of Humanities. He has experimented with inquiry-based lesson packages, performance-based assessments and using SLS. In 2019, he presented at the Humanities Curriculum Leaders Meeting how he used Swivl to create online revision lessons on SLS with built-in formative assessment. Marek enjoys working with colleagues to develop students' critical thinking ability.
Co-Presenter: Mr Lam Wai Leong
Wai Leong is currently a Senior Teacher (Social Studies) at St. Andrew's Secondary School. He is an outside-the-box thinker who is constantly refining his pedagogical approaches. The idea of combing the potential of personal learning devices with the station rotation model germinated with Wai Leong during his Teacher Leader Program 1 Capstone Project in 2021.
With many of us planning to adopt a Flipped Classroom approach to HBL, what would be the best way to continue our synchronous lessons when our students are at different starting points? Likely the teacher conducting the F2F lesson will have some students who are ready to move on and deepen their understanding, some who have completed the lesson but have significant gaps and others who have not completed the asynchronous lesson. Wong and Looi (2019), recommend planning for the linkages first, that is, planning for the continuous learning at the outset to create Seamless Blended Learning. With this approach in mind, the sharing aims to show how a combination of personal learning devices and the Station Rotation Model can address the challenge of students being at different starting points for your synchronous lessons.
A11: Are You Game? Enabling Student Engagement and Motivation through Technology
Explorer | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Mr Aaron Pang
Aaron teaches Physics and Mathematics at the secondary level, but more than that, he teaches students. He is a strong believer that students learn best when knowledge is co-constructed through various modes of representations. But he also believes that learning only takes place when students are motivated to do so. Aaron seeks to use technology meaningfully to serve these purposes.
Co-presenter: Mr Tan Wei Zhi
Wei Zhi teaches Physics and Chemistry at the secondary level. With the introduction of PLDs this year, Wei Zhi has been exploring the affordances of technological tools for learning, and seeks to use them in a meaningful manner. In particular, he is interested in utilizing technological tools to motivate students and to spark the love for learning. Through the use of these tools, he also hopes to encourage student to be self-directed learners, and to take their learning into their own hands.
In our sharing, we will talk about how digital technologies can be utilised to maximise student engagement in both synchronous and asynchronous settings. This can be achieved through gamification of learning, bearing in mind the three key tenets of the Self-Determination Theory: Sense of Relatedness, Competence and Autonomy.
The Edtech tools chosen and the way we use these tools to support our students’ learning help foster multi-way interaction in the classroom (Relatedness), differentiate learning to enhance different students’ levels of understanding (Competence), and provide every individual with an equal voice in the lesson (Autonomy).
A12: Blended and Inquiry-Based Learning in the Music Classroom
Adopter | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Ms Adeline Tan
An advocate for the arts, Adeline Tan believes that an arts education is a powerful channel to stimulate inquiry and the exploration of one’s personal identity, which also helps enhance and develop the identity of the community. As Head of Aesthetics at Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS), she approaches teaching through encouraging students to explore and experiment and make choices as they adapt various materials in their learning process of observe, listen, deconstruct and compose, regardless of their prior music training. Before joining SCGS, she was a Senior Academy Officer at the Singapore Teachers’ Academy for the aRTs (STAR) where she designed and conducted workshops which engender music teachers to re-imagine how technology could be used in the music classroom. Adeline holds a Master of Music (Performance Teaching) from the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne.
As technology is constantly advancing and evolving, we as music educators, need to be aware of how technology has created new ways of making music, giving rise to new genres and musical structures. In doing so, music learning can be made more relevant to students, motivating them as they experience authentic music learning. This first part of the presentation explores the blended learning Station Rotation Model where students would have opportunities to work independently and pace their learning with video-assisted modules. Next, the presentation shares an inquiry approach that encourages an iterative creative process that develops students’ musical understandings and skills as they observe, explore, experiment and create their own responses to music creating tasks using tools from a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) such as GarageBand.
Session B (1540-1610 hours)
B1: Using ArcGIS to Rationalise How Space, Time and Place Matter for the Varying Extent of Damage of Earthquakes
Explorer | Borderless Learning
School / Institution: NAN CHIAU HIGH SCHOOL
Main Presenter: Mr Tan Han Xiong
Han Xiong was a stage presenter in the Singapore SLS Learning Designers’ Symposium and the Rotary International 75th Anniversary Gold Medal recipient in 2019. He contributed a chapter to the Professional Practice and Inquiry (PPI) book published by NIE in 2021 on teaching and learning, and has presented at the CPDD Geography Symposium 2021.
Co-presenter: Ms Periya Sundaram
Periya was a stage presenter in the Singapore SLS Learning Designers’ Symposium in 2019. She has presented in the CPDD Geography Symposium in 2018 as well as the Geography Symposium held in 2021.
Aligned to Hubbard et al., (2002) vision of “thinking geographically”, students spatially explore and analyse real earthquakes that occurred from 1610BC-2016AD through the ArcGIS software. Students will work collaboratively to research the possible reasons for the extent of impact on the earthquakes in their allocated region in expert groups. Students then return to their home groups to critically analyse the role of space, place and physical processes in influencing the variations in the extent of damage caused by earthquakes globally. Technology thus enables students to undergo constructivism as the ArcGIS map helps students transcend traditional borders of learning.
B2: Feeling Connected in the Online Space
Adopter | Borderless Learning
School / Institution: RE Training & Consultancy Pte Ltd
Main Presenter: Ms Eunice Lim
Eunice Lim (Ms) key expertise is in learning and development with more than 14 years of experience in this sector. As an advocate for tech-enabled learning, she has influenced and mentored educators and several organisations across various industries to innovate and improve their learning and development capabilities.
Eunice is currently undergoing her Doctor in Education, holds a MA in Professional Education with NTU/NIE, MSc in Real Estate Investment and Finance from Herriot Watt University and BBA in Business Administration from RMIT University. She also holds WSQ SDAF, DACE and ACTA certificates. She is a Google for Education Certified Innovator, Trainer as well as a Certified DISC Trainer.
COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented disruptions to the education system. What are the various pedagogies and online tools educators can use to engage learners socially to enhance the learning experience? In the post-COVID-19 environment, educators require high levels of readiness to adopt and adapt online learning technologies.
The presentation seeks to discuss an understanding of the social constructivist perspective of online learning, sharing from the Community of Inquiry Framework (Garrison, 2017) for online learning. I will address how educators have used Google Tools, sharing experiences from my personal Google for Education Virtual Innovator Academy experience in 2021 when COVID struck.
The online space has provided the space for educators across the globe to gather, innovate and continue to learn. Sharing of best practices picked up from educators and showcasing some of the Google Innovator projects completed across the world will help inform current practices and identify ways to enhance practices, allowing for borderless learning.
B3: Designing for Self-Regulated Learning in a Borderless Classroom
Adopter | Borderless Learning
School / Institution: RAFFLES GIRLS' SCHOOL
Main Presenter: Ms Wang Siao Hua
Co-Presenter: Ms Sharon Tan
We are a group of Math teachers teaching in a 1:1 school. In the past we focused largely on the use of technology for in-person lessons and some activities or homework to be completed after school at home. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, we experienced full home based learning and also regular home based learning held fornightly. The team would like to share how we design our lessons for blended learning, the training plans and implementation journey, in our endeavour also to provide for self-regulated learning to develop the students to be self-directed learners.
The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled all Singapore schools to shift classroom learning to Full Home-Based Learning (FHBL) and subsequently to Home-Based Learning (HBL) and Blended Learning (BL). It has created an impetus for teachers to reimagine the teaching and learning experiences for a borderless classroom.
For many students, online learning was a new experience that involved less teacher supervision compared to in-person learning. More specifically, it demanded that students take greater responsibility for their learning (Hong, 2021). To this end, teachers can take different approaches within their borderless classrooms to help learners acquire, develop and apply self-regulated learning (SRL) skills effectively.
To make SRL a regular part of students’ learning experience, a framework of practices, known as the Settings, Events, and Exchanges (SEE) framework (Callan, 2020), was adopted to guide teachers in organizing and implementing classroom practices. The three conceptual groups of SRL practices are (a) practices that yield a setting conducive to SRL, (b) exchanges between teacher and student that encourage SRL development, and (c) learning events that give students the chance to apply SRL skills. Fundamentally, this framework aims to help students transfer SRL skills across subjects. The use of technology is a critical element in a borderless classroom. This presentation will share learning events involving e-tools such as Classkick and Jamboard, highlighting teachers’ adaptive practices that are guided by the SEE framework to facilitate SRL, providing greater autonomy for students to self-assess and learn with and from their peers.
B4: Development of Arduino-Based Science Experiments
Adopter | Borderless Learning
Main Presenter: Mr. Tan Hoe Teck
Hoe Teck received his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics from the National University of Singapore in 1996 and began working as a Physics Teacher in 1998 after completing his postgraduate diploma in Education. For 20 years, he has worked as a Junior College and Secondary School Physics Teacher. His passion for Science Research motivates him to develop programmes that help develop secondary school students in Science Research.
Traditionally, student science experiments are used in the science curricula to let the students discover and measure phenomena that they are studying. Experimental setups can range from rudimentary (e.g., a stopwatch to measure the fall of a rock) to highly elaborate (e.g. using spectrometer to measure…) ones. A key parameter for successful learning is student engagement. Engagement can take the form of hands-on activity where students participate actively in the development or modification of the measuring instrument. Recent developments in the Arduino microcontroller device have allowed it to be used as data logger. Its low-cost and publicly available support can encourage sharing of ideas, tinkering and creativity amongst the students. In terms of pedagogy, such an engaging environment is ideally suited to a project-based learning (PBL) framework. In this workshop, we will look at how the Arduino can be used to improve student engagement in data collection.
B5: Staying Focused While Making Connections in a Noisy World
Explorer | Digital Citizenship
Main Presenter: Ms Wendy Liao
As the former Apple Professional Specialist, Head of Chinese at United World College of South East Asia in Singapore and now a Head of Integrated Studies and Digital Innovation (ISDI) at Chinese International School Hong Kong, Wendy is a passionate teacher who strives to support student learning through effective uses of technology. Wendy leverages digital learning platforms in the development of the Primary and Secondary Learning Programmes. Moreover, she uses combinations of digital programmes to create differentiated tasks for all students who are Chinese language learners. As an Apple Distinguished Educator, Wendy is particularly adept aligning iSO devices, Mac Programme/Applications to improve, motivate and encourage critical thinking in student learning.
In this session, we will be exploring ways that teachers can nurture New Media Literacies in students; helping them cut through the the noise and distraction embedded in nearly all forms of media, digital or otherwise.
Focusing on the primary school classroom, we will explore how children can use simple tools available to them on learning devices such as the iPad, to curate, connect and create information in lessons and beyond. Using simple thinking rules and activities such as visual note taking, will help their learners to express ideas and communicate understanding.
B6: It's Cool to be Kind Online!: Developing Student Agency in the Digital Age
Adopter | Digital Citizenship
Main Presenter: Mrs Soh Ng Li Ping
Li Ping is a mid-career teacher with a Science background in Botany. She feels that helping students enjoy learning and learn how to learn will enable them to adapt and thrive regardless of what the future holds.
Co-presenter: Trisha Hartono
A member of SST's Peer Support Board and Digital Citizenship Committee, Trisha took part in the planning of several schoolwide and interschool events, such as the Cyber Wellness Student Ambassador Programme (CWSAP) Outreach, as well as SST's first Student-Initiated-Learning project. Through these projects, she hopes to be able to spread greater awareness about Cyber Wellness within and out of the SST community.
This session provides an insight into how Secondary One students, under the mentorship of the Peer Support Leaders, explored what it means to be kind online. The Secondary One students were given choices of scenarios to discuss and worked collaboratively to design a product of their choice that aims to promote kindness online in a blended learning environment.
B7: Self-Discipline Day @ Princess Elizabeth Primary School (SDD@PEPS)
Innovator | Digital Citizenship
Main Presenter: Mrs Marselyn Jonatan
Subject Head Innovation, HOD ICT (Covering)
Marselyn has been in the teaching fraternity as a trained educator since 2013. Prior to her MOE years, she worked with 3M Singapore for about six years. In Princess Elizabeth Primary School, she had led the school Learning for Life Programme (LLP): Student Leadership and VIA prior to her current responsibility in leading the school ICT initiatives and Applied Learning Programme (ALP): Innovation and Enterprise.
Co-presenter: Mr Shahroom Noor Bin Mumeen Muhamed
HOD / Subject Head ICT
Shahroom joined Princess Elizabeth Primary in 2017. He is typically involved in various ICT initiatives. He is also looking into the School Cockpit administration, together with another coordinator.
With Blended Learning being implemented at the Secondary School Level, students would need to develop the attitudes and skills to be able to practice self-directed learning. How would we then prepare Primary School students for such learning experiences in the future? Princess Elizabeth Primary School (PEPS) believes that it is never too early to start.
Anchored on our school core value of Self-Discipline, Blended Learning takes place during our Self-Discipline Days (SDD@PEPS). SDD@PEPS aims to support MOE’s efforts to promote life-long learning by encouraging the development of self-directed, independent and passionate learners. In line with this, School Leaders and Head of Departments in PEPS innovatively designed SDD based on the school-defined characteristics of a PEPS self-directed learner.
During SDD@PEPS, students will report to school as usual but they will be given the flexibility to plan their own timetable for the day. They will receive the assignment plan a week in advance and they will plan their timetable schedule to complete the lesson objectives. Subject teachers will be in class to guide and supervise students. Students will also have time to pursue their passion and learn something from their areas of interest.
In this session, we will share more about our experience with SDD@PEPS and our key learning points.
B8: Machine Learning for Students' Learning: First Forays Into Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Students
Explorer | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Miss Jovita Tang
Inspired by her studies for her Master of Cognitive Science degree from the University of Edinburgh in 2016, Jovita embarked on a journey to teach Computing in 2019. As an educator, Jovita believes that enabling students to capitalise on the power of technology will stand them in good stead for the digitally-infused future.
No longer a wild fantasy of science fiction authors, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more of a reality thanks to machine learning (ML). With the rapid development and adoption of new technology fueled by AI and ML, it behoves us educators to help our students unravel the what and how behind the magic. In this presentation, we share about how a set of theory and practical lessons was developed to simplify traditionally university-level content into digestible portions for the hungry and technologically-savvy student.
B9: Seamless Learning in a Digital World
Explorer | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Miss Cassandra Choo Tian Hui
Cassandra Choo teaches English and Social Studies in Serangoon Garden Secondary School. As a beginning teacher in the English and Humanities departments, she experiments with various EdTech platforms in order to enrich her students’ learning. She is also the teacher-in-charge of Dance CCA and has worked with students and instructors to maximise the use of digital platforms for asynchronous learning for a more seamless experience during home-based learning.
Co-presenter: Mr Tan Zheng Hao
Tan Zheng Hao teaches Social Studies and History in Serangoon Garden Secondary School. As the e-Coach for the Humanities department, he guides his colleagues in adopting new technology tools and e-pedagogy for their teaching. As the 2IC for the school’s media club, he is also exploring new ways photography, videography, and podcasting can be used to enrich students’ learning.
In our sharing, we will discuss how digital platforms and technologies like Google Classroom, Loom, Flipgrid, and Scribo can be an active enabler of learning and be utilised in two ways: (i) encouraging students to be more self-directed learners with the aid of their devices, and (ii) strengthening the feedback process with the help of assistive technologies. We believe that this two-pronged approach can be beneficial with the right combination of digital platforms and help nurture students to be future-ready and responsible digital natives.
B10: Who Says Only Musicians Create Music?
Explorer | Personalised Learning
School / Institution: CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL
Main Presenter: Mrs Claire Tan
Claire has been teaching music for over 15 years in secondary schools, in the Lower Secondary Music, O-level Music and Music Elective Programmes. She is interested in how the musical experience can be deepened for all students through authentic learning tasks and inter-disciplinary work. Most recently, she has explored using technology to help level the playing field for students who have less access to formal music training than others.
In the Lower Secondary Music classroom, we often face the challenge of engaging classes with a diversity of training and musical exposure. In CHS, we chose song-writing as an avenue for self-expression, effectively consolidating the different musical elements learnt over the previous terms. Through this mode, we also aim to help them make sense of their role in the world. With the wide range of musical backgrounds among each class, technology is used as a leveller.
To cater for visual and reading/writing learning styles, students storyboard their lyrics using first. The graphics available are triggers for brainstorming too.
Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) allow students to immediately hear what they are creating and easily record what they hear. Some considerations in choosing DAW are accessibility and ease of use. Both DAW chosen, Bandlab and Hookpad, are free and web-based, thus usable across most devices. The students used Bandlab previously, while Hookpad was introduced at the start of this module. Students can use either DAW, according to their preferences and needs.
Students are more motivated if they experience success, and in music, one type of success is hearing that their creation sounds good. DAW can help in this aspect, by automatically adding tracks that support the melody or providing additional loops. With DAW providing such support to students in music-creation, the role of the teacher shifts to enabling students in finding their voice in the process and the possibility of continuing the process beyond the classroom.
B11: Discovering Aspirations through Student-Initiated Learning (SIL)
Explorer | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Ms Sarah Wong An Yu
Being the Music Teacher and Coordinator of her school, Sarah constantly thinks of how to impart values and soft skills to her students through music and the arts. Also a firm believer of using technology to enhance learning, she has been a part of the Technology Enabled Committee introducing the Personalised Digital Learning Programme and Blended Learning in school. She is also one of the key members in rolling out the Student Initiated Learning Programme since its inception earlier this year.
Co-presenter: Ms Lee Xiu Wen
Xiu Wen has a keen interest in the field of food science, nutrition and consumer studies. She finds fulfilment in working together with her unit to help students realise their potential. As part of the Student Development team, she has organised and coordinated modules for students that cater to their varied aspirations, which range from entry levels to more advanced sessions. This includes co-creating and conduct modules within her unit for aspiring student-chefs to lead them into culinary competitions. In the Unit's Professional Learning Team, she started with designing personalised learning for Nutrition and Food Science (NFS) students doing coursework to enhancing student's learning through technology by leveraging on Student-Initiated Learning during Home-Based Learning to create multi-disciplinary (Art, Elements of Business Skills and NFS) tasks for students to explore their interests and develop their passions in fields outside the classroom. In the Personalised Digital Learning Programme committee, during the rollout of the Personal Learning Device to students, she has worked with her colleagues to create ICT routines and bite-sized how-tos videos for hardware and common applications like OneNote and Google Calendar to strengthen students' digital literacy and skills. She also re-designed her T&L approaches to conduct student-centric lessons that aims to show seamless learning from normal curriculum lessons to home-based learning and vice versa, with the help of technology.
To help students become independent learners and discover their aspirations, Boon Lay Secondary implemented Student-Initiated Learning (SIL) for students in the second half of 2021.
Adopting the concept of a buffet spread, the school curated a variety of learning activities for students to choose from. The activities are categorised into 6 thematic domains, known as D.R.E.A.M.S, comprising Digital and Infotech (D), Relations and Business (R), Engineering, Math and Science (E), Arts and Humanities (A), Media and Design (M), Sports and Leisure (S). Within each category, activities are tiered to provide different challenge levels. Students are free to select any activity to work on during HBL days. Upon completion, students will document their reflections in an online log.
To get students excited about SIL, the school launches awareness campaigns during morning assemblies through publicity videos, which include announcements on new activities that are available for students to try out, and short interviews with students who exemplify the traits of an independent learner. The school also leverages its social media platforms to showcase examples of SIL tasks that current students have completed.
Participants can expect to:
1. Learn about how the principles of student motivation guided the design of our SIL framework and processes
2. Learn about how the SIL activities are designed to cater to varied student needs and interests
3. Learn about approaches to raise student awareness and generate buy-in from staff and students
4. Reflect on the ways to create a culture of student-driven learning within their own schools
B12: A PE e-Portfolio - The What, How and Why?
Adopter | Personalised Learning
Main Presenter: Mr Jared Gan
Mr Jared Gan is a PE teacher who aspires to engage students and share knowledge by capitalising on the nation’s shift towards Blended Learning and the introduction of the Personal Learning Devices Programme. As the ICT Champion of the PE department, he is a trail blazer for the use of iPads in PE lessons within the school.
Without much experience with Apple products aside from a brief encounter with an iPod almost 20 years ago, he embarked on this new journey to explore the possibilities of what an iPad could do to enhance the teaching and learning of PE.
One of the challenges in PE is having a system for knowledge and resource management for students and teachers to monitor and keep track of learning.
In general, PE teachers provide verbal feedback to students in class and traditionally, PE teachers print physical hardcopy notes of various sports for students only to find pieces of notes left behind by students after lessons. Some would have students keep a PE file, but with few successes.
With the nation’s shift to blended learning, each student will now be equipped with a Personal Learning Device. This presents an opportunity for PE to evolve into using technology to better support our student’s learning.
By using the Number’s app on the iPad, imagine an e-Portfolio where both teachers can put up notes with pictures and videos of various sports for students. Students can have access to the notes throughout their school years, while uploading their own performance and keeping track of their health, fitness and sports development over the years. Both teachers and students can provide feedback that could be logged, kept and to refer to any time too!
Explore the possibilities of an e-Portfolio in PE, both as a student and as a teacher.
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